Friday, 23 March 2012

Blow-Up - Halloween Magic Broom

The Blow-Up Magic Broom has a set of custom animations, disable or detach any AO (Animation Override) to permit the Broom animations to work properly.
- Wear and click on the Broom with the left mouse button to activate the Main Menu. There are four buttons in the Main Menu: Anims, Colors, Particles and Resize.
- The Animations Menu allow you to choose an animation for the Broom, you can choose between Ride 1, Ride 2, Sit, Lay 1, Lay 2 and Hang animations.
- The Colors Menu has nine main colors (Orange, Black, White, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, Pink, Purple) plus a "natural" one for each part of the Broom (Stick, String, Straw) the Particles have eight colors (Orange,White, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, Pink, Purple).
- The Particles Menu allow you to Enable/Disable the Broom particles, and to choose between four particle kinds: Sparks, Dots, Pumpkins and Bats.
- The Resize Menu allow to resize the Broom with the Scale buttons. There are three widths of scale values, 1%, 5% and 10%.
- The Restore button in the Resize Menu restore the Broom original size.

Blow-Up - Halloween Magic Broom at SL Marketplace

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